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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11204367 and 61475191) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. GK201503022 and GK201601008).
We demonstrate a scheme for coherently induced grating based on a mixture of two three-level atomic species interacting with two standing-wave fields. As a result of interaction between the absorptive and amplified Raman resonances, the refractive index of the medium can be enhanced and modulated periodically. Then a sinusoidal grating, which can diffract the probe field into high-order directions, is coherently formed in the medium. The proposed scheme is theoretically investigated in a mixture of atomic isotopes of rubidium. The results show that the diffraction efficiency depends strongly on the two two-photon detunings of the two Raman transitions and the intensities of the two driving standing-wave fields. The proposed electromagnetically induced grating scheme may be applied to the all-optical switching and beam splitting in optical networking and communication.
Recently, the research of light-media interaction has played a significant role in the area of quantum optics, where many interesting optical phenomena can be caused by atomic coherence and quantum interference. Of them, the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is the most typical.[1,2] The EIT is mainly used to manipulate the refractive and dispersive properties by suppressing or eliminating the absorption for a weak probe beam in atomic medium driven by an additional strong coherent field. Meanwhile, coherent population trapping (CPT) state,[3,4] or the so-called dark state, can be formed in this process. The principal mechanisms for EIT and CPT have been explored in many recent applications, such as lasing without inversion,[5,6] refractive index enhancement,[7,8] slow light,[9,10] light storage,[11,12] enhanced Kerr nonlinearity,[13,14] optical solitons,[15,16] etc.
As is well known, an electromagnetically induced grating (EIG) can be created in a medium by replacing the travelling-wave driving field in EIT with a standing-wave. The probe field will obtain a periodic variation of absorptive coefficient due to the spatial modulation induced by the standing-wave field. At the same time, the refractive index also changes periodically.[17] Then the medium is equivalent to a grating on which the resonant probe beam can be diffracted into high-order directions. This phenomenon has been observed experimentally in cold and hot atomic samples[18,19] and universally applied to optical bistability,[20] all optical switching and routing,[21] beam splitting and fanning,[22] quantum Talbot effect,[23,24] surface solitons,[25] photonic Floquet topological insulators,[26] etc. However, the diffraction efficiency of EIG is not enough due to the inevitable atomic absorption. Therefore, an electromagnetically induced phase grating (EIPG) was proposed for high diffraction efficiency by using enhanced Kerr nonlinear refractivity at low light level.[27,28] Likewise, one can build gratings in other media or configurations such as quantum well,[29] quantum dot,[30] molecular magnets,[31] double-dark resonances system,[32,33] phase-dependent system[34] and CPT system.[35] Meanwhile, a kind of gain-phase or gain grating based on the effect of active Raman gain (ARG) has been put forward to obtain much higher diffraction efficiency in high-order directions.[36] Recently, Wang et al. extended EIG to the two-dimensional (2D) case and achieved an electromagnetically induced cross-grating (EICG) in a four-level tripod-type atomic system.[37] Then, schemes for EICG based on EIT or ARG in multi-level atomic systems were proposed, and the diffraction efficiencies were improved.[38–41]
In this paper, we theoretically investigate a one-dimensional (1D) phase grating coherently induced in a mixture of two species of Λ-type atomic system with EIT and ARG, respectively. This three-level atomic system has been proposed for the enhancement of refractivity without absorption.[42,43] Recently, the creation of a spatially distributed PT-symmetric refractive index was explored.[44] Here, by using two far-detuned standing-wave fields to drive the corresponding atomic transitions in the vicinity of two-photon resonance, we obtain spatial absorption-phase, pure-phase, and gain-phase gratings through modulating the interaction of the two Λ schemes. Thus, the probe beam can be diffracted to high-order directions with different intensities. It is found that the diffraction efficiency of the grating depends on the detunings of the two two-photon Raman transitions and the amplitudes of the standing-wave fields. We also analyze the physical mechanism for such a mixture of EIT and ARG in a real atomic system with 85Rb and 87Rb. The scheme can be used as all-optical switching and beam splitter which have potential applications in optical networking and communication.
The considered atomic system is a mixture of two three-level Λ-type atomic species (EIT and ARG) interacting with three coherent laser fields as illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Energy level scheme based on a mixture of two species of Λ atomic system driven by three light fields. The initially populated levels are indicated by the dots. |
In the framework of the semiclassical theory, with the rotating-wave approximation and the electric-dipole approximation, the Hamiltonian of si-system in the interaction picture can be written as
By using the Liouville equation, we obtain the relevant density-matrix equations as follows:
By solving Eqs. (
In this system, the refractive index enhancement of the medium relies on the interaction strength between two Raman transitions, the first of which results in two-photon absorption and the second one contributes two-photon gain to the probe field. Therefore, the total complex susceptibility is equal to the sum of individual contributions from each of the Λ-type schemes, and the absorption and refractivity can be controlled by changing the two-photon detunings δ1 and δ2. According to the polarization of the medium, Pp = ε0χEp = N1μ23,s1ρ32,s1 + N2μ13,s2ρ31,s2, the susceptibility of the weak probe field can be written as
Therefore, the susceptibility of the whole system is given by
In order to investigate the coherently induced grating in refractive index enhanced medium, we use two standing-wave fields Ωs1(x) = Ωs2(x) = Ωssin(πx/Λ) to drive the atoms, with Λ being the spatial period, and assume that the probe field propagates along the z direction through an atomic medium with length L. The propagation of probe field determined by the atomic polarization, which, in the slowly varying envelope approximation and the steady-state regime, can be described by the Maxwell’s equation as
In the following, we focus on a real system and consider two Λ schemes in a dual magneto-optical trap of rubidium atomic isotopes with 85Rb (for EIT) and 87Rb (for ARG) using the D1 line (λp = 795 nm), and assign |1,s1〉 = |52S1/2, F = 2〉, |2,s1〉 = |52S1/2, F = 3〉, and |3,s1〉 = |52P1/2, F = 3〉 for s1-system, and |1,s2〉 = |52S1/2, F = 1〉, |2,s2〉 = |52S1/2, F = 2〉, and |3,s2〉 = |52P1/2, F = 1〉 for s2-system. In the following calculations, the parameters of this atomic system are N1 = N2 = 5.0 × 1012 cm−3, μ23,s1 = μ13,s2 = 2.5377 × 10−29 C · m, γ = γ32,s1 = γ31,s2 = γ32,s2 = 5.75 MHz/2, and γ′ = γ12,s1 = γ12,s2 = 0.05γ. We can manipulate the susceptibility by changing the two-photon detunings δ1 and δ2 to obtain diverse phase gratings, and the variations of intensities of driving fields can be used for achieving different phase shifts to enhance the diffraction efficiency.
In order to acquire a high diffraction efficiency for probe beam with the coherently induced grating, we must pay attention to two factors: a large phase shift should be firstly possessed across the probe beam, and the transmission of the probe must be large enough. By using the equations as outlined above, we investigate the formation of phase grating and its diffracting power in this section, and discuss the Fraunhofer diffraction patterns of the probe field in three types of gratings with different phase shifts.
The susceptibility of the medium plays a significant role in the formation of EIG, and we firstly focus on the probe absorption Im(χ) and dispersion Re(χ). As discussed above, we can efficiently modulate the strength of the two-photon Raman absorption and Raman gain via manipulating the two-photon detunings δ1 and δ2 of the laser beams, so that the absorption can be reduced and the probe can even be amplified. At the same time, the real part of the susceptibility also obtains a large value arising from the constructive contributions of two Raman transitions. In addition, the separation value δ1 − δ2 of two Raman resonances determines the interaction between EIT and ARG systems, and then the refractive index is dependent on the separation of Raman resonances.[42,43] For δ1 − δ2 ≫ γ′, two Raman transitions are independent of each other and Re(χ) drops. But for δ1 − δ2 ≪ γ′, the effect of two Raman transitions can mutually offset. In such a case, both the absorption and the refraction are cancelled. Therefore, we choose that the separation value of two Raman resonance satisfies δ1 − δ2 = 3γ′ here, which is of the order of γ′.[42,43] As shown in Fig.
The strength of the two-photon absorption in EIT system and the two-photon gain in ARG system are dependent on the amplitudes of the coupling fields [see Eq. (
The diffraction efficiency depends on the two-photon detunings δ1 and δ2 and the intensity of driving standing-wave field Ωs. Figure
Additionally, comparing the corresponding graphs in Figs.
In order to further clearly clarify the effect of coupling field intensity on diffraction efficiency, we display the variations of the different order diffraction intensities I(θ0), I(θ1), and I(θ2) with coupling field intensity Ωs for different values of δ1 and δ2 in Fig.
In this paper, by using two standing-wave fields, we propose a scheme for coherently induced grating in a mixture of two three-level atomic species with EIT and ARG systems. Three types of phase gratings are investigated in a real atomic system with 85Rb and 87Rb. By using the interaction between the two two-photon resonances, we obtain an enhanced refractive index in the medium. As a result of intensity dependent standing-wave fields, amplitude and phase are modulated periodically in space, and then a sinusoidal grating will be formed. It is shown that different diffraction patterns can be obtained by varying the two-photon detunings δ1 and δ2. The two-photon absorption in EIT system and Raman gain in ARG system contribute to the amplitude modulation, which affects the diffraction efficiency of the induced gratings. Meanwhile, we can achieve different phase-shift values by changing the intensities of two standing-wave fields. A larger phase modulation depth can help to deflect the probe energy into the higher order diffraction directions. The intensities of two standing-wave fields have an important influence on the diffraction efficiency of gratings, thereby the diffraction intensities I(θ0), I(θ1), and I(θ2) of different orders can take their maximum values at appropriate Ωs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose appropriate parameters to achieve the required diffraction and splitting of probe beam. Thus, the proposed gratings may be employed as all-optical splitter and switching in optical networking and communication. Moreover, in addition to cold atoms, EIG can be formed in thermal atoms.[19,46] Hence, our scheme can also be performed with hot rubidium atoms.[42]
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